1)、VP45L机床设计理念/ Design conception
VP45L立式加工中心产品是常州新瑞机械博国内外**加工中心之所长、依据人机工程学、精密制造技术和自动化技术等先进的设计理念,经由工程力学的反复仿真与计算、样机的鉴定和试制后,生产出的新一代数控机床。/ This machine is a special design by targeting economic and practical market demand both in home and abroad.
2) 、VP45L机床特点/ machine features
A、刚性好:采用加宽的床身和“人”字型的立柱结合成“三角形”的高刚性机床主体;十字滑台、工作台采用网状拉筋、导轨跨距合理。/ high rigidity: with broaden machine base and “A” shaped column, the machine has a triangular structure and the cross shaped sliding table, webbing casting ribs and large guide way span give the machine perfect reliability and accuracy.
B、主轴精度高:采用欧洲制造技术生产的高速度主轴单元,可确保机床主轴精度的长期稳定。/ high precision spindle unit: Introduced from one of quality European suppliers, the high speed spindle unit supports long term accuracy of the machine. Spindle speed is 8000rpm.
C、X、Y、Z轴三轴采用高刚性高精度的滚柱线性滑轨;三轴采用大导程滚珠丝杠副,并采用两端固定进行预拉伸;采用高品质高精度丝杠轴承;大功率伺服电机通过精密弹性联轴器直接联接精密滚珠丝杠,简化传动链,提高可靠性和定位精度。/ linear guide way performances high accuracy and rapid speed: X,Y,Z axes use high rigidity, high accuracy rolling ball linear guide way features large lead, quick travel and the two ends are preloaded to support high reliability and positioning accuracy.
D、标准的斗笠式自动换刀装置,其动作简单可靠,换刀时间5.5秒。/ quick tool change: The umbrella ATC with standard 16 tools features simple, reliable movement and the T-T time is 7.4 seconds. Cam type ATC with 16 tools is optional features quick movement and T-T time is only 1.67 second.
E、机床配有三路冷却液和一路冷却气喷头供刀具冷却。配有手动喷(气)枪,易于**铁屑。/ mass flow coolant: The machine has three coolant circuits and one circuit air blower for tool cooling.
F、配置高性能控制系统,适应高速、高效时代发展需求,全数字式AC伺服系统,软件功能丰富,并配有标准的RS-232接口;彩色LCD显示器;也可选配为模具行业专门订制的系统,可实现AI轮廓控制的高速、高精度的加工。/ high performance CNC system: The machine is configured with standard SIEMENS-802D SL system, 10.4” LCD (SIEMENS-802D SL system) color display. FANUC 0i-MATE-MC system is optional with 7.2” LCD monochrome display and 8.4” LCD color display, full digital AC servo system, enriched software support and standard RS-23 interface. Special ordered CNC system can support mould die industry in which AI contour control high speed and high accuracy tooling is made possible.
G、自动润滑:采用自动集中润滑装置,润滑充分可靠。/ Automatic lubrication: Centralized lubrication system provides full reliable lubrication.
H、机床采用外观全防护设计,防水性能优越,造型美观大方,**可靠./ Machine has full splash guards features perfect water-proof and pleasant appearance.
3)、VP45L机床的加工对象、用途/ Machine purposes and application
A、可加工中小型、板件、盘类、壳体类件精密零件。/ Be available for middle or small size plate, chuck, housing type machining with high precision
B、零件一次装夹后可完成铣、镗、钻、扩、铰、攻丝等多工序加工。/ Milling, boring, drilling, countersink, reaming and tapering all these process can be made for just one fixture.
C、特别适合各类模具的中小批量或单件加工。/ especially be applicable for mould die tooling in middle or small batch production.
4)、VP45L机床总布局/ general layout of the machine
采用人字形立柱与底座垂直结构,X、Y轴在水平面内相互垂直,Z轴与水平面垂直,防护采用整体式结构,拉门左右双向,操纵台固定在机床右端外防护上,外观整体为方形,三色指示灯为机床顶部,内置式水箱及铁屑槽结构,操作方便,布局协调。/ The machine is structured in A shaped column be perpendicular to machine base. X, Y axis is perpendicular to each other within same flat surface and Z axis is perpendicular to the horizontal level. The safe guard is structured in a one body with two door bi-directional movement. The operation panel is installed on the right side guard. The overall machine appears a cubic square with traffic light positioned on the machine top and water tank and chip tank are build in to provide a easy and pleasant operation experience.
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