多轴器(直接与电机连接) 固定、可调
多轴器(直接与电机连接): 为满足客户要求,我司定制的多轴器可直接与电机连接,可让客户更加方便、简洁、经济的方式用上多轴器。 多轴器连接部分通过定制可直接连接在电机法兰座上,这种简易的方式可以为客户省去购买设备的的相关费用,而且体积小,多适合于各种场所。 客户只需提供工件加工图纸及电机法兰部分连接尺寸、电机转轴尺寸即可。 以下为多轴器(直接与电机连接)的实物图: Multishaft(direct to motor): In order to meet the customer's requirements, our custom multi-axle device can be directly connected with the motor, allowing customers to use the multi-axle device in a more conveni
Multishaft(direct to motor):
In order to meet the customer's requirements, our custom multi-axle device can be directly connected with the motor, allowing customers to use the multi-axle device in a more convenient, concise and economical manner.
The multi-axle connection part can be directly connected to the motor flange by custom. This simple method can save customers the cost of purchasing equipment, and it is small and suitable for various places.
Customers only need to provide workpiece processing drawings and motor flange part connection size, motor shaft size.
The following is a physical diagram of the multi-axle device(directly connected to the motor):